Environmental Protection
Pružne građevine d.o.o. has recognized the importance of environmental protection and responsible waste management and have accordingly adopted and implemented the ISO 14001/2015 international standard.
Environmental management according to the requirements of the standard ensures:
- reduction of adverse environmental impacts
- quick response in case of accidents or emergencies
- cost reduction (energy, materials…)
- compliance of business with legal requirements
- a positive public image of the company
- employee motivation.
A positive and active attitude towards the environment has become an important indicator of business success
The basic requirements of ISO 14001 are to:
- define an environmental policy and goals
- identify all aspects and environmental impacts of the organization
- identify all legal and other environmental requirements related to the organization
- define the obligations and responsibilities of employees
- define the way of communication about significant aspects of the environment
- provide resources
- define measures to reduce and/or eliminate negative environmental impacts
- monitor the results achieved
- take action to continuously improve the environmental management system.